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Hiring: Designer for UX team - 99% Remote! | Part time | $DOE

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, August 21, 2015, 9:50 AM

Contact Alecia with your resume and portfolio at [address removed]

We're looking for a a designer who can take a "holistic" approach to designing the company website for an educational platform. Their priority is to keep the user TOP OF MIND at all times!You'll be contributing to the design and working closely with the wire framers - so it's imperative that you know and are familiar with proper and effective wire framing.The company works in an Agile environment, with a turnaround of about 3 weeks; it's a lean, scrappy, start up culture and team, and they're looking for someone who can get on board with that!

This is an 8 week long project, with about 10 to 18 hours per week. You will be able to work almost entirely remotely, but you'll be requested to come into the office on a rare occasion for a project brief.

If this sounds awesome to you, and you have B2B & SaaS experience + a solid design portfolio online, please contact Alecia with your resume and portfolio, at [address removed].

This is a sponsored job posting. Please email [address removed] for more information.

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