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Meetup details changed: January Seattle and Eastside IBD Meetup-please RSVP

From: stephen
Sent on: Monday, January 28, 2013, 3:50 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

Of special note we will have an  internet presentation by Scott O'Neil,President of MarketSmith with his monthly overview of the current market and a discussion by Amy Smith on the lessons shared in the real life stories Amy collected highlighting the path to success possible for anyone committed to becoming a self-directed investor. Amy Smith isa  IBD radio and TV market commentator and author of the newly published How to Make Money in Stocks: Success Stories.

When: Tuesday, January 29,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Mercer Island Library
[masked]th Ave. S.E.,
Mercer Island, WA 98040

RSVP limit: 30 "Yes" RSVPs

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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