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Metaphysical Meetup News

From: Caryl Dennis & Parker W.
Sent on: Monday, March 19, 2012, 2:21 PM

Hi Everyone,  Here are some upcoming events:


March 24th Meetup - Afterlife Awareness Conference Report & Meditation

I couldn't help notice only 2 people have RSVPed so far for the March 24th Meetup.  If you are interested, please RSVP as soon as you can or we will need to cancel the meeting.

It was a thought-provoking conference and I think Bruce, Pharon, Patricia McGivern and I will have some interesting bits of information and ideas to discuss.  Unfortunately, Carolene Heart was unable to join us at the conference due to some health issues, but we are hoping she will be able to join us for the discussion. 

A Guided Meditation to balance your chakras and communicate with your Guides will follow the discussion.


April 21 & 22 - Afterlife Knowledge Workshop with Bruce Moen

We Live Forever - Prove it to yourself!

There is still space available in the Afterlife Knowledge Workshop.  The first 10 to register will receive a copy of one of Bruce's books, so please RSVP soon.

Bruce's approach is simple and effective.  He says:

"In every workshop some participants experience direct,
validated communication with a deceased person."


"Harvey" presented by the Players of Safety Harbor 
Friday, 3/23 & Saturday 3/24 at 8pm and Sunday, 3/25 at 2pm at the Safety Harbor Library, 101 2nd Street N. in downtown Safety Harbor.  $8 donation suggested.

Parker will be appearing in this classic American play.  The original Broadway production became one of the longest-running plays in Broadway history -- more than 1700 performances!  It is the gentle and humorous tale of a nature spirit's impact on the lives of one man ("Elwood P. Dowd" -- that's Parker!) and the people around him.  Should there be insufficient response to the Meetup this month and I am forced to cancel it, that's where I'll be Saturday night! 


Thanks for your cooperation in RSVPing promptly - it helps us plan.

Hope to see you soon!



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