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New Meetup: Repair Party for MEASSBEDRAGON

Sent on: Friday, July 10, 2009, 12:05 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Atlanta Pirates and Wenches Guild!

What: Repair Party for MEASSBEDRAGON

When: July 25,[masked]:00 AM

Secret Location
2265 Lawson Way
Chamblee , GA 30341

The invasion of Dunwoody took quite a toll on our ship, being French built and all she need repairs before our next attack. Just as in the olden days we needs to Careen and scape the hull. Those of you who missed out on the fun, or those who want to return we be meet at the secret location again to pound some nails swap the deck and splice the main lines. For those of you having a weekend job or other venues, Call me write me fire across me bow & I will meet during the week day or evening so you can push a broom, stack lumber weave a knot or go fishing for nails. PLEASE this is not a kid friendly environment. We act like sailors and we talk like drunken fish that another tale...well anyways there are lots of sharp pointy things and no toys. We all like children, there tasty bar=B=Que, but leave the half pints with grampus and bring yer tools. We ran out of time before we installed the handrail, the main sail, additional platforms and the on board ale cooler.We have lot's more materials on the way, or being plundered. If ye want to help, but have no time, we accept plastic, doubloons or grub. We be a starvin crew and a morsel goes a long way. Look in your shed, under ye crawlspace, or in the attic. Do you have old furniture that be rotting away, chairs legs, 2 x 4's plywood, nails, screws, old drop cords canvas sheeting, paint (oil based) stain or broken handle off a shovel? We be setting up a lathe and making belaying pins soon so we needs practice materials and fodder to sawdust, eh? Well you know what we means!

Limited to 10 crew plus the carpenters unless you ask nicely and buy me a drink. Those that don't work walk, unless you donated grub, gold, garb or glitter? Seriously we need some workers to tidy up too. The old shop sits covered in sawdust and lumber scattered everywhere.

Must have her ready to perform, err, set sail by August 1st!

Ferguss Hardwood

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