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You are invited - NSS cohort 4 graduation/capstone project demo day(s)

From: John W.
Sent on: Monday, June 23, 2014, 10:28 AM
Ruby meetup members -

Believe it or not it is already time for another cohort to graduate from Nashville Software School.  Cohort 4 graduates next Friday, 27 June.  As usual, Friday is going to be dedicated to allowing the cohort 4 students to demonstrate their capstone projects.  We'd like to invite all of you to come for some or all of the demonstration session if you're available.  Would love to see you all again at NSS. 

We will start at 9am on the 27th.  Location is NSS at 283 Plus Park Blvd.  We will bring lunch in and probably have some beer and conversation at the end of the demonstration session. 

I will send a reminder and RSVP link early next week but please check your calendar and block out some time on Friday, 27 June to join us and celebrate Cohort 4's graduation from NSS. 

Hey - almost forgot - Cohort 5 is at their half-way point and they will be demonstrating their Javascript, node.js, etc. capstone projects on Thursday, 26 June.  Same schedule - starting at 9am at NSS.  We'd also love to see you for that session as well.



John Wark
Nashville Software School
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