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September 17th meetup--who wants to speak?

From: Keith L.
Sent on: Monday, September 5, 2011, 2:02 PM
Hey Seattle NLP & Hypnosis Meetupers,

Our next meetup is scheduled for September 17th from 2-4pm at the Broadview library.

Something came up that I've got to do (a paying gig) so I can't do it.
Anyone want to speak? Shoot me an email back pronto or call me.

Your duties would be...

1) Write me a short blurb about your presentation.
2) Show up about 1:30 and set up some chairs (people usually show up early to help).
3) Speak from 2-3:45.
4) Leave the room in reasonable condition.


PS: One of our members had her car broken into last month so the usual precautions apply. Keep items out of view and park in a highly visible area if possible.

The Place to Learn Hypnosis & NLP

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