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Free passes for tonight

From: user 1.
Sent on: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 4:20 PM
Hi everybody!

We are only 24 hours old and already have over 60 members. Thanks so much for joining! Since it's the "day of" - I don't want to post an event here but I do have free passes for Club Fluid tonight in SF. You can see pix from last weekend in our Photos section. Please text the word 'freepass' to our text club number 69302 and you will receive the code to show at the door to have them waive the $20 cover charge. The only condition they have is that your group is 10 people or smaller and you are there before 11pm.

I also have some VIP Packages for that club that include no wait in line, cover and 3 $10 drinks. The club will sell them to you at $50 with the code "4VIP03F"

Please text me on my cell at (408)[masked] when you're there and say hi. If you have any questions you can text or call me at that number as well!

I'm excited for our first outting! Let's have a good time!
