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Re: [Fwd: [newtech-1] Stolen laptop]

From: Jonathan V.
Sent on: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 6:12 PM
I worry about security and data recovery.

I have multiple copies of all files, and update os snapshots in  
multiple places.

I have a list of all accounts and can change all passwords within 15  
minutes.  I use IMAP and don't let folders with 'sensitive' materials  

If Apple had better options for disk encryption , I'd do that .  but  
its all-or-nothing, and my usage patterns dictate that all is not an  

Aside from that , there's not much one can do.
You could run one of those "locate me" services.
You could also just create some sort of hourly script that pings a  
site to record your IP address and upload a webcam shot to flickr.

other than that though, you're screwed.

if you want to run a locateme service, here's 	an article comparing  
	https://adeona.cs....­ is an open source project that runs  
	https://preyprojec...­ is open source and win/linux/mac

On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Michael wrote:

> Thanks - Andy too!
> I actually posted this as a wake up call to myself and also see what  
> I would
> learn from you folks. The more you know, the scarier it gets. Delete  
> files -
> I know how to get them back. Format a drive, I can get the files  
> back but
> not always. Can't log in, know how to get past that.
> I just feel bad for these folks. Sure, they are out a few bucks -  
> but just
> the idea that someone has something that can have so much personal
> information (I have no idea what, but if they use it it's there)  
> stinks...
> let alone coming into the house as burglars. I think all they can do  
> is risk
> mitigation (ie, change passwords, etc). It's what I will recommend  
> tonight
> as a start.
> So, who here thinks they have the very best setup in terms of  
> security if
> their laptop is stolen? You have no worries, none at all even if you  
> are a
> security expert. If you are out there, let us know your setup is and  
> why
> it's so great. I am not being snide or anything. I really want to  
> know.
> Thanks! This is a great group.

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