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Parade & Oktoberfest annoucements

From: Amy S
Sent on: Friday, September 9, 2011, 12:04 AM

Hello Everyone,

In case you didn't see all the press, the parade this year will be broadcast on PBS television!

I really look forward to this and it would be really cool if we can show a good presence as representatives of a new, young and diverse German community. I know many of you want to go straight to the Oktoberfest but please consider joining us in the parade and bringing all of your friends regardless of cultural background. Everyone is welcome to walk with us in the parade. But dress up some and be creative since we're going to be on tv. ok?

Did you know there is a Meetup Smart Phone App? This is a great way to find our group at Meetups. I use the App at all of the Meetups I host. It might be helpful to have it on your phone especially on parade day when it can sometimes be difficult to find the group. If you can't find us, post a quick comment on the event page using the App. I will get an instant alert on my phone and can post instructions where we are or come find you. The Meetup App is completely free, so give it a try.

Oktoberfest tip: CASH is king! Bring cash and buddy up with a smaller group of friends. Send 2 people to get beer, 2 people to get food and another 2 to hold a location.

Oktoberfest tickets are sold out. If you don't have a ticket yet, you're best off getting on line as early as possible in the morning and also getting another friend to stand out side by the gate to catch people coming in who might have extra tickets.

Last but not least, I have arranged for an after-party location within walking distance of the park where we can eat, dance and continue the party. I will send out location details this weekend. Please keep in mind that cash is the easiest way to ensure you won't get stuck paying for someone else's beer also it get's confusing for the bartenders and waitresses to run a tab for a group this large.

Ich freue mich auf uns wieder sehen nächste Woche und auf uns wieder feiern zu können.

Ganz Lieben Gruss Eure Meetup Gruppe Organisatorin,


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