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Houseplant Introduction & Clinic

From: Brenda
Sent on: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 2:20 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York Permaculture Meetup Group!

What: Houseplant Introduction & Clinic

When: Thursday, June 17,[masked]:00 PM

A.R.E. NYC Center
241 West 30 Str btwn 7 & 8 Ave Ste 102 ( 2nd floor )
New York, NY 10001

You will design your own indoor ecosystem using permaculture design principles, which can be applied to any living space, no matter how small, to create beauty and function.

Would you like to grow houseplants successfully? In this workshop Brenda Rivera, board member of the Metropolitan New York Chapter of the Indoor Gardening Society of America, will help us discover how plants can create a more regenerative space indoors, and learn about species that are most likely to be appropriate for your space. After a brief introduction to permaculture learn how to get the most out of your plants while caring for them in an eco-friendly way.

Workshop highlights:

* Create simple and fast design exercises for selecting strategic locations for your plants.
* Make a customized plan to work with as the growing season begins.
* Diagnose houseplant health: Everyone is encouraged to bring plants in for an on-site diagnosis (or bring photos for large plants).

A.R.E. of New York Members $15-$25 Nonmembers $20-$25

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