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Upcoming weekend workshops at Sivananda Yoga Ranch

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 1:39 PM

From straw bales to Food Forests, Saturday June 19th


Steps to creating your own Edible Eden. The art and practice of permaculture


Join us for a hands-on reality of designing & establishing a food forest.

We will cover sheet mulching, soil building, swales and earthworks/harvesting rainwater, planting patterns, mushroom inoculations, grafting, and more!


Beginning with just a few straw bales, newspaper and cardboard we will move through the easy steps to begin transforming your space into a thriving edible landscape.



Have Your Yard & Eat it Too!!


Raised Bed Gardening Workshop. Sunday June 20th


Bring your garden closer to you through this interactive workshop where we will transform a patch of lawn into productive space. Also covered will be how to couple no cost raised beds with rainwater harvesting and companion planting. 





Michael Judd has worked with agro-ecological systems and landscapes throughout the Americas for the last 16 years focusing on applying permaculture and ecological design to increase local food security and community health in both tropical and temperate growing regions. The founder of both Ecologia LLC, edible & ecological landscape design and Project Bona Fide, an international non-profit supporting agro-ecology research. While he continues to raise awareness and funds for his project in Nicaragua in the U.S., Michael currently offers design consultation and implementation services specializing in edible landscapes through Ecologia, LLC.


DAILY SCHEDULE of EVENTS - Join us for one or both days!
Permaculture workshop takes place between 12:30 and 4 pm. Day visitors, please arrive by 12:30. Multi-day participants attend at least one yoga class (8 am or 4 pm) and satsang (6 am or 7:30 pm) daily.
WHERE: Sivananda Yoga Ashram Ranch in Woodbourne, NY is located on 77 acres of hilly woodland in the Catskill Mountains, 100 miles from New York City. Shortline Buses run between Woodbourne and NYC regularly. For more info and driving directions:

TO REGISTER: Call Sivananda Yoga Ranch at (845)[masked] (845)[masked] or email at
[address removed] Your reservation is secured with a non-refundable deposit of $35.

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