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New Meetup: Origami Installation by Sok Song and Robin Joy Riggsbee

From: Sok S.
Sent on: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 10:53 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! NYC)!

What: Origami Installation by Sok Song and Robin Joy Riggsbee

When: February 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hello Fellow Folders!

This Art opening will be our unofficial field trip for February. I've been so busy with getting this ready with some help from our fellow OMG AO's and other members! :) please feel free to email me with any questions and do RSVP if you intend on coming to the opening. some of you have already have the evite I sent so you can reserve on either. if you would like for me to send you to evite, please email me and I will do so.

This month, I am working on an installation project with another artist, Robin Joy Riggsbee. She is an amazing visual artist specializing in micro textiles and miniature pencil drawings... I am using her paper to create an origami sculpture for a unique gallery space in Greenwich Village.

The opening is Thursday February 5th and it will be there until the end of the month. If you get a chance, please stop by and take a look. We will also be in the space working a few weeks before so you can stop by to see our process as well. The Location for the installation is called:

10 Christopher Street
(corner of Gay Street)

It is a beautiful Luxury Men's Shoe Store and we will be in the quaint room towards the back. If you're interested in coming by let me know and I will let you know if I will be there.

A lot of the prep work will be done at Robin's Store not too far from Leffot and you are welcome to stop by anytime.

Robin Joy Boutique
128 Charles Street
(corner of Greenwich St)

She has amazing things there and even some origami on display with her graphics on them. The store is so charming and beautiful and unexpected, you really feel like Alice going down the rabbit hole looking through the glass that is Robin's limitless creativity... She is usually there and will brew a cup of her delicious custom blended organic tea for you... and I will probably be there folding to my hearts content!

Website for Robin Joy Rigsbee:

Website for Leffot:

Keep warm and keep folding!


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