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Status of PhillyPUG ... defunct?

From: Tom P.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 9:18 AM
Hello Philly PUG,

I'm sending out this email to the group to see if the Philly PUG still has a pulse. I have not seen much activity in the form of email discussion nor actual meetings ... perhaps I am not looking in the right spots and don't know how to use the interface (very probable). Regardless, is there still general interest here in Philly to have a Python User's Group? I personally am very interested in connecting with the larger Python community in Philly. I think it would be great to have, at least, a monthly meet-up with somewhat of a structure to the meetings, i.e. fixed start + end times, one formal presentation by a member or sponsor, open discussion time, and drinks at a local pub after the meeting for those that are interested in carrying on the conversation. Additionally, I would like to suggest that we hold the meetings in Philadelphia-proper (center city or other nearby neighborhood rather than Manayunk) ... remember, we are the *Philly* PUG (I know, Manayunk is _technically_ Philly ... but from a practical standpoint, it is the suburbs).

Anyway, I hope there are others on the list that are also interested in reviving the Python community here in Philly. If you are, share your thoughts on this list thread and hopefully we can get the group active (again).

NOTE: If the group is actually active and I am just missing all of the communications somehow, please educate me on how I can get in the loop. Thanks!


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