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Re: [philosophy-34] Re: King Lear tixs!!!

From: Clay
Sent on: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 6:53 PM

--- On Sat, 7/17/10, Dru Whitledge <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Dru Whitledge <[address removed]>
Subject: [philosophy-34] Re: King Lear tixs!!!
To: [address removed]
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 4:08 PM

It would be fantabulous to have some folks talkin' philosophy way up here in the northern hinterlands and I would absolutely encourage that -- and likely attend, too. However, frankly I don't see the connection with King Lear.  How much can one really debate King Lear? It's really all pretty predictable, isn't?
I love that play. Didn't Lear choose to divide his kingdom into three not even halfway into the first act? That was pretty dumb. Seems as if he was of sound mind, at least at that point.

There's no question of free-will anywhere in Lear, is there? It's a purely deterministic reality he faces -- time after time after time. He might wish he had said different words -- and not screwed everything up or done a better job of raising his daughters -- but he doesn't -- and he didn't -- every single time the outcome sucks -- and everyone's sad.  We all wish for a happy ending, but NOOOOOOO  the very next performance -- every performance -- Lear screws it up again and it ends the same.
Well, the play is, as advertised, a tragedy, so the wishing for a happy outcome is, well, futile.
So, should we actually do any philosophy talkin' in Boulder (or anywhere up in the northern latitudes) maybe before watching Lear mess it up again or after he does -- as we all know he will --
we could congregate and talk about something not quite so predictable?


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