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August Gear Closet Raffle Winner - Ricardo

From: Michael B.
Sent on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 11:12 PM

I am going to be running around this weekend so I entered the people who will be riding with us tomorrow and ran the random drawing tonight.

Thanks to the help of the random number generator at (who else would the random group of hikers use?) the winner of the August Gear Closer Member Appreciation Raffle is Ricardo ( He joined the group in June and it was his participation in my Tecumseh trip that won him the prize.

Here's what he won.

August's Prize - Men's "Bug Shield" Long Sleeve Shirt (Size L) (suggested retail value $70)

  • Insect Blocker. Keep bugs at bay. Insect blocker repels mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, chiggers, and midges (no-see-ums) and lasts through 70 washes, the expected lifetime of the garment. Insect blocker keeps bugs at bay so you can enjoy the great outdoors in peace.
  • Omni-Wick Advanced Evaporation. Keeps you dry and comfortable. This moisture transferring technology moves and disperses sweat away from the body for quick evaporation, keeping you comfortable during physical activity.
  • Omni-Shade UPF 30 Sun Protection. Enjoy the sun safely. This sun protection technology helps block damaging UV rays from reaching your skin, allowing for more carefree hours in the sun.

Color - Yellow

Congratulations Ricardo.

There's one more month of free stuff - be sure to get out and join us for an event, that's your free entry into the raffle.

Here's the page describing the event.

September's Prize - Men's "Peak 2 Peak Hard Shell Jacket (Size XXL) (suggested retail value $350)

  • Omni-Dry Ultra-breathable / Waterproof. 50% air. This extremely air permeable waterproof fabric transfers moisture vapor out of the garment at an extraordinary high rate, while still retaining wind and waterproof properties in the worst conditions.
  • Venting. Specially designed vents promote air circulation. Vents are distributed on the garment based on its intended use. Stay significantly cooler during hot weather or vigorous adventures.

Michael & Monica

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