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New Meetup: Pre-Thanksgiving Climb at BRC

From: Kristi
Sent on: Monday, November 23, 2009, 1:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Denver/Boulder Area Climbers!

What: Pre-Thanksgiving Climb at BRC

When: November 24,[masked]:30 PM

Boulder Rock Club
2829 Mapleton Ave
Boulder, CO 80301

We haven't climbed at BRC in a while and I have missed hanging out there.

I've scheduled this for 5:30 but if you can't make it until later please still come, we are usually there until 8:30ish. Don't forget, everyone is welcome so whether you have been climbing for years or are just starting out, come join us!

I will be up front at 5:30 but if you come a little later just look for me inside. I will have on black capri pants and a black tank top.

Only RSVP "YES" if you plan on attending.


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