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Ayn Rand - A very short essays that blow the "health care as a human right" argument out of the water.

From: Evan
Sent on: Sunday, May 20, 2007, 7:02 PM
Attached is a pdf. of Ayn Rand essay.

Rand's arguments are very useful for explaining how when they think they are sticking up for "right to health-care" "right to fair housing", etc... they are NOT in fact sticking up for real RIGHTS - they are TAKING rights (property, life, liberty).

I don't know if sending to Dems will actually do much, but I do re-read her arguments every so often just to have ready ammunition on the tip of my tongue for shooting down the "entitlements as rights" swindle.

Hope at least somebody finds the time to read it and finds it useful.

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