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Re: [sacveggie] McDougall attendees who are bring McDougall appetizer:

From: Linda M.
Sent on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 4:39 PM
Go to his website...choose anything fingerfood...even grapes if you do not feel like cooking.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tricia Lopez <[address removed]>
To: sacveggie-list <[address removed]>
Sent: Thu, Jul 19,[masked]:06 pm
Subject: Re: [sacveggie] McDougall attendees who are bring McDougall appetizer:

I have a McDougall book, but nothing seemed like fingerfood.  Can you give me a suggestion?  I could probably look up the recipe if I knew what to make.  Should be an easy one.
On Jul 19,[masked]:43 PM, "Linda Middlesworth" <[address removed]> wrote:
Remember, you must have Eventbrite ticket or be on my master list which means I talked to you on phone already.
Those kind, generous people who offered to make appetizer for this event.
It is a required recipe for appetizers to be a McDougall recipe.
There will be no plates, forks...this is just finger food...
Thank you!!!

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