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Summary of LOA principles for your consideration

From: Brian G.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 4:28 PM
Your thoughts attract like-thoughts, and within 17 seconds of focused concentration amass into a thought-form, which is the non-physical creation of your manifestation. In other words, what you think about is almost instantly created in the realm of non-physical. Receiving your manifestation in the physical world happens according to your vibrational set-points, or beliefs, with regard to the topic.


You are a collection of vibrational set-points, or simply vibrations. Your physical experience is the indicator of these vibrations. You can change your physical experience by altering the nature of your vibrational set-points. Change your vibrational set-point by focusing pure, positive thought upon it for at least 17 seconds, then continue to 34 and 68. Each successive time segment marshals energy exponentially to the alteration of your physical experience.


There is a constant source of love and well-being flowing to you, but it is only received as it is allowed, according to your vibrational set-points. Depression is an indicator of having relatively few, happy vibrational set-points.


Deliberately changing your vibrational set-point is an act of joy, love, freedom and gratitude. Do it for, with and through these reasons. Most of the joy in a deliberate manifestation occurs before it takes physical form, because the universe follows your thought and matches your vibration. If your manifestation seems to be delayed, take time to address the vibrational set-points that are preventing it. Replace grief, fear, anger and doubt with joy, love, freedom and gratitude by focusing upon the positive aspects of your manifestation.


Full physical manifestation of what you want does not occur until all aspects of a wanted thing are fully matched by your vibration. Of course, partial physical manifestations can and will occur. You can take that as the indicator of what your vibrations are currently matching and adjust accordingly.


Some things that are wanted are, like you, a collection of vibrations. If you want to manifest a vehicle, you must internalize every vibration of that vehicle, from tires to upholstery, and so on. If you want to have millions of dollars and you decide that will occur by hitting a jackpot, then you must internalize every vibrational aspect of that process. When you love it enough, you will feel it loving you back, even before it manifests into your physical experience.


You are a deliberate creator and decide through your vibrational set-points everything that comes into your experience, for better or for worse. We can experience profound love, joy, freedom and gratitude in this life as we address each vibrational set-point within us and tune it to the highest vibration possible.


Best wishes in all you do! Thanks for reading. Hope it helps. :)


Brian Gibbs [masked]


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