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Free Tickets to Debut Show of "Pink Pelvis"

From: Michael Sean B.
Sent on: Sunday, January 8, 2012, 12:51 PM

Want to attend a debut show for a new outrageous lounge show hosted by one of our members? Mato is bringing to life his newest persona, Pink Pelvis. You might recognize Mato from the group KOR, Kinetic Origins of Rhythm. KOR is the band whose songs are consciousness based and are presented in a Cirque du Soleil atmosphere. Their latest local gig was Halloween. Mato was also the visionary behind Om Gardens, an intentional community in Myrtle Creek, Oregon. His ties to our group go even further back to the days where he owned[masked]th Street, where Rich and Leslie hosted the original Sunday Sangha for almost a year.

Mato is back in Las Vegas to recharge and sucking a little energy from 'the system.' He's doing this by cranking up an entirely new alter ego and then traipsing the lounge scene happy to share his creative energy in exchange for liquid energy (money). He can then convert it to assets and bring them into our blossoming New Earth that is being built right under their noses.

This is the debut of Pink Pelvis so I have no idea what he's going to bring us, but I can assure you, it'll be over the top.Come join us and a bunch of the Sangha crew for a free 21+ show and a good time. The event is tonight at 8 pm at Scoundrels on Decatur (between Flamingo & Harmon). They have drink and food specials during the show DJ Pandora will be spinning afterward.

And while I'm doling out Mato's free offering, I'd like to point you in the direction of his new book, "The Only Contest Worth Winning." Mato has made the downloadable version free for our local community and can be downloaded here.


Sean, Kitty, and Mato

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