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New Meetup: Shut Up and Write! SOMA SF

From: Rennie
Sent on: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 2:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Shut Up and Write!!

What: Shut Up and Write! SOMA SF

When: Tuesday, September 14,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Crossroads Cafe
699 Delancey St
San Francisco, CA 94107

BASEBALL SEASON IS IN THE HOME STRETCH! There is parking available, though it costs more, so take public transit or give yourself extra time to arrive and find parking. The T/3rd St. and N Judah to Ball Park/CalTrain both stop at Brannan St.

You will see progress in your writing project by spending the minimum of a single hour per week on it. This is your practice/focus time, so I hope to see you there.
Keep writing,

Join other writers for an hour of focused writing!

8:00 - Introductions
8:10 - Get down to business
9:10 - Brief Check-in
9:15 - People can continue to work, chat, or take off as they like. Crossroads is open till 10 pm.

If you're spending too much time THINKING about writing, come and join us for a session of focused writing. It may just be "pipe-cleaning" for now, but you'll feel better showing up at the page. No one will see what you've written or give you unsolicited advice.

PLEASE NOTE: BASEBALL SEASON HAS BEGUN! There is a Giants game tonight, so parking is ever so slightly challenging, but don't let that be another excuse to getting your writing done. We suggest you ride MUNI. Get off at the Brannan St. exit from the N Judah or T 3rd St.
AND: There is only one electrical outlet, so make sure your laptop battery is fully charged.
AND: The radio is occasionally distracting for some, bring your iPod if you need to block out distraction!

Quote of the Week:
There's a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don't and the secret is this: it's not the writing part that's hard. What's hard is sitting down to write.
What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.
~Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

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