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FW: Anna T. sent you a message: please share with other members who maybe interested

From: Scott W.
Sent on: Saturday, March 30, 2013, 8:15 PM

Para las personas que tengan un interés en ser una familia anfitriona de estudiantes internationales, aquí está otra organización que está buscando voluntarios.


For the people who have an interest in being a host family of international students, here is another organization looking for volunteers.





-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]
Saturday, March 30, 2013 10:19 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Anna T. sent you a message: please share with other members who maybe interested






Meetup Message from: Anna T., Member of Dallas Spanish-English Exchange / Intercambio Inglés-Español

please share with other members who maybe interested

Dear family and friends,

The beginning of the 2013 - 2014 school year is just a few months away and Aspect Foundation is looking for host families in the DFW/Texas area for those students still waiting and hoping their American dream will come true.

Currently, I am looking to place a few students like:

Noora from
Finland, who will make a great workout buddy for your zumba classes. She also enjoys reading, knitting, and watching movies. See Noora’s profile and read her letter at.
Federico from Italy who enjoys swimming, soccer, photography, cooking, and is looking forward to the warm weather of Texas. His letter and profile can be found at
Cecilie from Norway enjoys arts and crafts, cheerleading, animal care and she is considering a career as a zoologist. Read her letter at

I am reaching out to my family, friends, and all my contacts for assistance in helping find them host families. It would mean a lot to these students if you could volunteer as a host parent or help us get the word out by sharing this request with anyone you feel would be interested. They are excited to experience American culture first hand, make new friends, and practice speaking English, but they need a family to host them and time is running out!
I really appreciate your time and assistance with this. To view all students visit Aspect Foundation's website

Anna Thomison
Make an American Dream Come True!
Aspect Foundation is currently seeing volunteer host families for international exchange students from nearly 30 countries. These students are aged 15 to 18, speak English, and have their own spending money and insurance. For more information, please contact Anna at[masked], the Aspect Foundation national office at 1-800-US YOUTH, or email [address removed]



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