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NightHacking with Gosling (Live Stream) at 11AM on Wed

From: Stephen C.
Sent on: Monday, October 22, 2012, 5:48 PM

SV JUG Members,

I have a virtual event to announce that you can participate in online called the NightHacking Tour.

The first stop will be with James Gosling, the original Java NightHacker.  This is a chance to watch James live and interact with him via the social stream (via UStream or by tweeting with #nighthacking) as we chat, hack, and discover some of the things he has been working on in his new gig at Liquid Robotics.

You can sign up for the event on the NightHacking UStream site here:

We will be starting the stream at approximately 11AM PST on Wednesday, October 24th, and keep it live until we run out of interesting things to chat about with each other or the virtual audience.

This is also the start of the NightHacking Europe Tour, which will include dozens of interviews/coding-sessions throughout Europe for the next 3 weeks leading up to the Devoxx conference in Antwerp Belgium.  All of this will be live streamed from different countries as I tour around Europe via motorcycle.

So come join me online for an exclusive hacking event with James Gosling, and follow the journey as I trek across Europe!





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