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Vegan Holiday Party Sunday with Raw Chicago Community - All Welcome!!!

From: rawgirl A.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 4:53 PM


Sunday, December 16th, 5:00pm - 8:00pm

RAW FOOD DEMO by Lindy just announced!

We are so lucky to have our member, Lindy, do a raw food demo for us with two of her favorite recipes:

Egg Salad in the Raw

Chocolate Cake Pops in the Raw

You will all get to sample these raw delights and Lindy will have copies of the recipes for you each to take home! Thank you Lindy!!!

Location:  Jenny's Home, Chicago Ave and Ashland, Chicago IL 60642 (exact address will be sent out soon pls rsvp) Much Thanks to Jenny for hosting!! and to Ken for facilitating and cohosting this!

Lots of free easy street parking on the side streets - call ariane if you need help finding a parking space, and we have volunteers to walk you to your car at the end of the event if you like....suburbanites - you can do this!!!


please bring a gift to exchange with others, we prefer a recycled gift from your home, something you are not using anymore that is in good condition that can find a new home with someone else! $15 value please

RAW VEGAN POTLUCK! - please bring a raw vegan dish to share (prepare to serve 10 - 12) THIS IS OUR BIG PARTY THIS YEAR SO WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO BRING A SPECIAL HOLIDAY DISH! Lots of great recipes on line, bring your own serving dish and serving utensils. Please make your dishes gluten-free (no nama shoyu), agave-free (most agave has corn syrup or questionable source), bragg's amino acids free (has MSG). Instead use organic wheat-free tamari, dates to sweeten, and himalayan pink salt! Also feel free to pick up some raw cookies, crackers, or other raw treat from a natural foods store or to bring some organic raw nuts, dates for dessert, email ariane for ideas of easy food to bring...

Volunteers needed to setup, do checkin, be greeters, organize the food, cleanup, etc. Please email rawgirlchicago at yahoo if interested!

We appreciate a donation of $3 per person to cover costs of this event and to raise funds to pay for our meetup website costs ($144 per year) (no one turned away for lack of funds and we accept any size donation.

questions, ideas, comments, feel free to contact Ariane at rawgirlchicago at

rsvp here:

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