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New Meetup: Katie Bloom's - Downtown Campbell

From: Joseph
Sent on: Monday, March 22, 2010, 12:58 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Lovers of Vegetarian Dining [Group]!
What: Katie Bloom's - Downtown Campbell
When: Sunday, March 28,[masked]:30 PM

Katie Blooms
369 E Campbell Ave
Campbell, CA 95008

Time: 12:30pm
I'll be inside at the bar.

How about meeting here next Sunday at 12:30pm for a VeggiE Burger "Western Style" and a Guinness on tap? Farmers market is in full force at this time, lots of friendly people. Downtown Campbell is really nice, especially on a Summer Sunday afternoon.

Farmers market is from 9am to 2pm, Katie Bloom's gets crowded outside around 12noon, but the bar inside is quite.

Also, there are some great Vegetarian dishes from the street vendors, Indian, Japanese, Middle Eastern!!!

Learn more here: