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Requesting universal healing for cancer patient

From: Katt L.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 1:57 PM

Hello Everyone,


Here is an energy healing request.  Please send energy and prayers to this person.  The Healing color for the liver is GREEN.


Join the Facebook Energy Healing Connection Group to talk with other healers and to post your requests.[masked]&ref=mf




Hi everyone


I was wondering if you would all send energy for healing to someone who has cancer spots all over her liver. The liver is still functioning which is a good sign but the spots are malignant. Chemo is her only option. She is a breast cancer survivor.  Would appreciate any and all help for her. Thanks.


Name:  Suzanne

Age:  59

Weight: 125 lbs

Height: 5'

Lives in the Westlake Village area.


Thanks and God Bless




PS: For all of you who sent Energy to John in Chicago he is now fully recovered and feeling good.  His blessings and thanks to all.



Spread the Qi!



Katt Lowe, C.Ht

Connect Within



433 N. Camden

Suite 400

Beverly Hills, CA 90210


"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi