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Re: [AGGuild] Other Games?

From: Bob V.
Sent on: Thursday, July 14, 2016, 1:02 AM

I'm hosting a Friday game at my house in Cumming. We had some last-minute cancellations, so if you want to bring a game, we'd love to try something new.

-- Bob Vincent

On Jul 13,[masked]:32, "Carly" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi everyone!

I'm a new transplant to Atlanta. I was clued in to this group after hanging out at the Battle & Brew last Thursday with the Alpharetta group. I mentioned I was looking for tabletop groups around the area, so here I am.

I see that there's a lot of talk about D&D, and while d20's a classic system full of good things and good times, I admit I'm a bigger fan of other game mechanics. Is there a list anywhere with folks advertising room at tables? I know most tables probably have their groups and campaigns set and good to go and closed to the public, sorry, but I can't resist asking. I've been rolling dice or GMing adventures for the past 10 years or so, and I'm definitely a fan of games that are more story driven and less rules heavy.

I don't have a problem being on the other side of the screen if I find some interested folks also looking for a group! I just wrapped up running a 2+ year campaign with my players before moving down here. My favorite settings/systems at the moment are Deadlands Reloaded (Cowboys and Zombies and everything that goes bump in the night) and an old Steve Jackson setting called In Nomine. It plays with d6s and is very similar to GURPS mechanics. If you're a fan of Supernatural, Hellblazer, or Good Omens, this might be a setting you'd be interested in.

Thanks everyone! Looking forward to meeting some folks around the area! I'm in Sandy Springs and near enough to the perimeter that I have easy access to most places on the north side. :) 


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