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Classical Music MU Shutting Down

From: Ellen
Sent on: Friday, May 2, 2014, 4:57 PM

I'm not the one who started this Meetup, but after the organizer stepped down, I took it over and tried to keep it going.  Two people stepped up to help run it...and each has become discouraged (one after only five weeks!) because so few people RSVP...and even fewer show up!  I sent out an e-mail about a year ago telling people of my frustration.  It is really pointless for an organizer to pay $150 a year (yes, Meetup does charge organizers to run a Meetup---and very few organizers make any money on it.  We do it because we like to meet people and share activities with them) to post events, stand with a Meetup sign, and have no one show up!

We've had no show rates of 50 to 100 percent!  Nothing is worse than going to an event and getting there early, expecting to meet and greet people, and have no one show up.

Some of you have noted that you enjoy reading about the events---but the purpose of Meetup is not an event listing service.  It's to get people together, form a community.  For people to go and just attend on their own really defeats the purpose.

Next month I will be stepping down as an organizer.  This group will end unless someone steps up to organize it---and that includes paying $72 for six months of MU dues.  Anyone is welcome to take the group over, but I really wouldn't recommend it.This has been going on for years and it looks like it isn't going to change.  New people step in to help organize...and they quickly become disillusioned.  So---Atlanta won't have a classical music MU, but hopefully you will support classical music events in Atlanta on your own...since you were at least interested enough to click the "Join" button to join this meetup.


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