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What we’re about

So many restaurants, so little time!!

Do you love the low key, diverse restaurants along Buford Highway? There are so many! Many good ones, that is. Panaderias-taquerias-pupuserias, bbq-noodle-pho-tofu-curry houses (you get the idea). Let's get out there and enjoy them all! Of course we're going to come across the occasional karaoke bar. And yes, we're going to those, too. Join us!

While there's an expanse of ethnic dining options along this famous highway (Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Malaysian, Mexican, Central and South American), we do go to restaurants off the highway that offer some type of international cuisine (American, Middle Eastern, French, Eastern European, Indian, Caribbean, Ethiopian, etc), or whatever mom-n-pop type place that catches our eye/appetite. Usually it's those places that have piqued your interest when you drive by but can't get anyone to go in with you and you're reluctant to try it out on your own. It's about the culture of food, foods from different cultures but don't call us a food cult. Our focus is expanding as the group grows. We enjoy eating all types of foods. That means no cuisine/food type is entirely off limits.

It's not about the food so much as it is socializing, enjoying yourself, trying something new or different. That's the essence of what this group is about, it's not about critiquing the food or service. Save that whining for Yelp.

We love our flake free group! **Please read the "About"page by clicking on that link BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN the group.** Discourteous behavior/no-shows/last minute cancellations are the bane of any restaurant meetup- we don't put up with that stuff. Don't be that person! If you can't commit to attending an event then please don't RSVP Yes for it. We already know there's traffic, weather problems, working late, blah blah blah.


I want to take a moment to go over the NO SHOW rules and cancellations. The above, thoughtfully left by the last director do not explain fully why the food groups have penalty on people who sign up and not show up for the event. First, it is rude. You have obligated yourself to an engagement where many people are affected. I am affected because I went to the effort to check out the restaurant, meet with the owner or manager, see if they have a space that a group can sit together, figure out how many People can attend, and list the event. The restaurant owner may keep extra servers and chefs in the restaurant for our group. If half of the people don't show up, you annoy me, you annoy people on the waitress, you inconvience the restaurant and we are not going to tolerate it. From now on the policy is that you must cancel within 24 hours of the start date of the event. This is particularly important because of all of the above reasons. I'll spell it out, if the event is at 7:15 on Thursday night, you must cancel by 7:15 on Wednesday night, 24 hours before, for NO penalty.

If you do not cancel 24 hours you will be banned from this groups food events for 90 days the first time. (I will send you a message telling you why you are banned and for how long. This website has a button for me to do that. If you sign up for one of our Meetups before your time out ends, you will receive a note to remove yourself from that event.) The second time you are a no show or a past the limit cancelled, you will be banned for 180 days. The third time, if it comes to that, I will blacklist you from the website and group. Celebrate Atlanta has a similar policy and will ban you for 180 days for the first no show.

I am a reasonable person, however, and will accept some excuses. Like city wide ice and snowstorms, extensive flooding that includes the major expressways, death, car wrecks and arrests (bring your papers and bench warrent to the next meetup to prove it to me)., nuclear war or riots, and illness. Now I realize illness can happen suddenly, as can accidents. I will be happy to discuss this with you the plague, queezy tummy and other maladies by message. I'm sure it will be amusing. Please bring your emergency room papers to show me. You will probably be excused. If you are only minorly hurt, do try to come to the Meetup event, I'm sure someone in the group will offer to cut up your meat for you, even if you have a cast on.

This 90 day ban on no shows and late cancellations will help the others attending know that we are a caring, responsible adult group. If you can't remember what you signed up for, or just do it as a whim, and don't give a rats ass about the people on the wait list, then you would be better off not participating in the group. I am always open to suggestions for city wide restaurants that have good value, well prepared food, adequate seating and parking for the group. A reasonable commute is essential. If you think I can improve anything I am up to constructive criticism. If you don't like anyone telling you their are consequences for signing up and then not showing up, maybe this group isn't for you. 

Lucinda - got it?

Sounds of Buford Highway: