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Laughter Yoga & Parade?

From: Lynne West The Laughter L.
Sent on: Friday, October 28, 2011, 10:39 AM

Hello Austin Laughter Yogis,

I have a special thanks to Becca who lead our fearless group last week THANK YOU Very good Very good YEA!!!!!
And  a new THANK YOU To Chelsea who is leading this week so I may teach classes at the Empower your life seminar.
I will be back as leader next week thank all of you for your support.

I am looking into if it is too late to add the laughter yoga club to the Chuys blue Santa parade parade if you would want to participate let me know if we can get 15-20 I think we could laugh our way through a parade.  Please share any thoughts you have.

Ha ha hahahaha have  fabulous week!
Lynne West