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Re: [religion-31] Topics and Discussion Formats

From: Alex
Sent on: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12:03 AM

I agree, Toastmasters is a great place to improve public speaking skills.
We can adopt some of their formats for the better communication in meetings.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:58 PM, mike lucido <[address removed]> wrote:
> Are you acquainted at all, Alex...
> with the format which Toastmasters takes as it allows everyone
> to both have some time on the floor, as well as structure
> within a set of guided critiques?
> Though, I also might ask you to forgive me for being so upfront
> about this, when I have yet to have been to one single Free
> Thinkers Meeting, yet.
> I might add that I had only gone to a few Toastmasters meetings
> in my days, but would like to see some structured format within
> a group of so many profound thinkers.
> It could be exciting, and/or even dangerous without at least a
> small unit of authorities who may moderate each event's
> discussions.
> A small group might pose little problems, but many individuals
> within a group of 20 or more might become unintentionally
> frustrated.
> What do ya think?
> Kind regards.......... ?
> --
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