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New Meeting: Lake Chabot Bicycle Loop (Mountain Biking)

From: Sean
Sent on: Monday, March 24, 2008, 8:16 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Bay Area Cycling (Mountain & Road)!

What: Lake Chabot Bicycle Loop (Mountain Biking)

When: Tuesday, March 25, 10:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: The Lake Chabot bicycle loop covers 12.42 miles via the Live Oak Trail. It's a great place to get your feet dirty and while it isn't the most technical ride in the East Bay, there are enough climbs and descents to make anybody smile.

Don't forget to bring your helmet, water and a snack in case you need an extra boost. There are a couple of water fountains at various points along the trail if you need a refill.

We'll meet at the park entrance and continue to the trailhead as a group. If you have trouble finding us or are running late, give me a call @[masked].

Learn more here:

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