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A couple great shows

From: Jude
Sent on: Saturday, September 15, 2007, 12:10 AM
So, everyone, not always sure what you may like to see, but I saw a couple geat bands recently
and wanted to share about these, and some great shows coming up.  First, the HooDoo Gurus, these
guy had some great tunes, and downstairs at the Middle East is not the greatest venue, unless
someone grabs your hand and pulls you right up to the front!   They we're amazing!  Bittersweet,
What's my scene, and "I want you back" - they really were in top form for a great Boston audience!
Last night, the English Beat were just as amazing.. and the second to the last song, they asked everyone to
throw money to help there charity to help kids in third world countries who suffered from cleft palate, and
people were tossing wadded up bills ( as they should! ) It was great, and when they played, "I Confess"
was just as good as you remember it.
So, moving to the present, Do you remember "Scarce" - lots of euro-success, and they are coming back- new ep,
and one of my bands that I drum for "the crushing low" are splitting a bill with them, the dirty truckers and
someone who you'll just have to come see.  It's TT's Saturday October 6th, and it promises to be a great
show so hope you come out.
Otherwise, Morrissey stages another show, Girlyman at Passim ( dont miss them, unbelievable harmonies
and songwriting ) and The IZA play all asia for a halloween bash...
Support the live. Thanks..

Can you find the hidden words?? Take a break and play Seekadoo! Play now!

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