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Re: [Brisbane-Entrepreneurs] Lots of Meetup Host volunteers!

From: william
Sent on: Saturday, August 24, 2013, 12:20 AM

Hey, I can volunteer to arrange great dinners for all of us, even get discounts through my own meetup 'gourmet foodies unite'.. cheers, will

On 23/08/[masked]:42 PM, "Blake Escudier" <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Brisbane Entrepreneurs!

I'm still getting e-mails from people wanting to volunteer to be a meetup host.

When I go through the lists (Remember I run the Entrepreneurship Association of Australia - with over 1600 members in 7 different meetups across the country) - and gather each groups volunteers - I'll contact and put them in touch with each other to determine the best way to get moving forward.

There is still about a week before I do this so if anyone else wants to volunteer - please let me know!

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