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New Soccer League

From: Mike B
Sent on: Monday, April 27, 2015, 2:33 PM

Hey all - I received this email this morning. I bet it's something some of you would be interested in.

Check it out! Happy spring! Look forward to playing w you all soon!

Mike B

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  • Leonard Zelig 11:07 AM Sent from Brooklyn Pickup Soccer Group Hi Mike, How are you? I hope this message finds you well. I am promoting a soccer league, for people interested in a better world. It is called Football for Change. It would be great if you could share this information with your group. It is going to be for 8 great causes! Thanks in advance. Football For Change is launching its 1st Co-Ed League. 8v8. Prospect Park at the Parade Ground. Sundays 12.00 - 2.00 PM. Start Date: June 7th. End Date: August 30th. Freedom Cup on July 5th. 13 games guaranteed. Cost per Player: Early Bird, $120. Before May 31st. Regular Player Fee, $140. Cost per Team (Minimum 14 players) Early Bird $1,440 Regular Team Fee $1,680 We are looking for Captains to help us recruit players, in exchange for your leadership, you will play cost-free. Teams are welcome too! Things you need to know... -You will be playing for a cause! Meaning, the name of your team will be the cause, i.e. Unicef FC. -During the league, we will be doing a crowdfunding campaign. At the end of it, we will be sharing the money among all the teams for their respective causes. -On game days every cause would have a table with information about what they do and how people can help. The goal is to create awareness and generate change! All Sundays on May between 12.00 - 2.00 PM we will organize free pick up games as training/draft sessions. if you want to sign up, go to and join any provisional team. We will send you instructions about how to finalize your registration.

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