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New Meetup: Networking & Business Presentation

From: user 9.
Sent on: Monday, December 21, 2009, 12:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Business Skills, Career Development & Networking!

What: Networking & Business Presentation

When: January 18,[masked]:00 PM

Business Works
Womens Business Centre High street south, Newham
London E6 6ER

We are very happy to announce our next meetup on Monday January 18th 2010 for our valued members of the east london community.

We have limited spaces and they are going fast we currently have 40 left, so please email me your name so you can be added to the guest list, it is a free event and refreshments will be provided!!

It is a great opportunity to meet local businesses and promote your services to other members and be the first to hear of some exciting business opportunities from our international partners.

Booking: Places will be on a first come first served basis.

The registration will start at 6.30 pm followed by the presentation starting promptly at 7pm, the evening will conclude at around 8:30 pm

Learn more here:

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