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The 7 Myths of B2B Social Media and B2B Communications - Weeklyt biz Mentoring Tips

From: Zulfiqar D.
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 9:33 PM

Business Mentoring Group Weekly Tip
Develop and Grow your Business with Minimal Effort


The paper this week focuses on B2B communications and Social Media.  It goes into depth on what communications is, the various levels, the role it plays in a company's strategy, the role Social Media plays in Communications, the 4 main channels.

The webcast this week is on
The 7 Myths of B2B Social Media - .  It helps break down the difference between b2b and b2c, highlights ZMOT - zero moment of truth, the various stages, etc.


Other News -

Next week - 6th December will be our last meeting before we break up for Xmas.  I'll be sending around a break down of what we have been upto as a group next week.  After next week we will be meeting again on 10th January - same time & same place.

Gerry, Zufi and Brendon should be available to support you.

Look forward to seeing you then and hope your nice and warm


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