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How do you actually write a Business Plan? Weekly biz Mentoring Tips

From: Zulfiqar D.
Sent on: Thursday, December 6, 2012, 9:47 PM

Business Mentoring Group Weekly Tips
Develop and Grow your Business with Minimal Effort


The paper this week is about What a Business Plan actually is? It highlights the need to highlight the vision/ concept and how the operations can be organised. It goes into depth on the core areas that need to looked into, etc.  It shou;d help you understand how to organise your own Business Plan and how to organise it for your own business.

The webcast is about How to write a Business Plan? as well.  It goes into depth on from a VC's perspective and is from Haas Business School in the US.

This is the link to the Archive -


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This is a link to the Perks offered by our memebrs to other members of the group - .
If you would like to highlight your business here please feel free to drop me a note.  Broadly speaking members offer about 10/15% discount to other members on their standard services. 

Tonight was the last session before the festive break and we will start meeting again next year.  I'll send around an email next week highlighting what we have been doing over the last quarter, etc. 

Have fun in the cold and look forward to seeing some winter tans next year :)


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