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Countdown to Christmas!

From: Cassandra Joan B.
Sent on: Saturday, December 19, 2015, 1:30 AM

Dear Friends,

Are you looking for that special unique gift for someone? How about a gift of `insight'...a reading? Or! A gift of relaxation and healing...a massage or healing? I am offering to you from now until Christmas 20% off ANY of my services! Simply go to my website: www. and calculate the 20% off ... make your purchase....text me...  [masked]) and I will email your gift certificate to you !

I am also planning my new year schedule. What do YOU want to learn? More/less astrology? an on-line course? More/less psychic development? Any interest in a reiki, reflexology, past life regression course? Would anyone like to learn more advanced meditation or hypnosis techniques? I have been teaching all these topics in and around the WNY college & adult education community for 20+ years and am always thrilled to share!

Finally... be sure to sign up for my newsletter at my website, or, at my FB page (please like!!!) Cassandra Joan Butler Astrologer & Teacher. There are exciting offerings ahead for you for 2016!

I appreciate your participation, friendship and wisdom. It means the world to me! ( or should I say `cosmos' ) lol!

Many blessings,




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