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New Meetup: All Day/Overnight Field Trip to Delaware Water Gap, led by Duke Schutkofsky

From: Bill J.
Sent on: Monday, September 27, 2010, 10:19 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cheltenham Camera Club!

What: All Day/Overnight Field Trip to Delaware Water Gap, led by Duke Schutkofsky

When: Saturday, October 16,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Cheltenham High School
500 Rices Mill Rd
Wyncote, PA 19095

The Delaware Water Gap in mid-October will be flaming with fall color, and its natural beauty, punctuated by dozens of falls, will provide great shooting opportunities. Duke plans to take us to Dingmans Falls, which employs a knowledgeable, enthusiastic ranger/photographer, to Childs Park, and to as many other destinations as time allows.

Please indicate your interest in this excursion as soon as possible, as some of you may want to spend the night in order to get the early morning light on the landscape, and we need to book as early as possible to ensure a decent hotel at an affordable rate. Those of us going for the day will meet at CHS as usual, but overnighters will need to make alternate carpooling arrangements. Email Duke at [address removed] with any questions.

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