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New Meetup: Specific Competition: On the Beach

From: Bill J.
Sent on: Monday, September 27, 2010, 9:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cheltenham Camera Club!

What: Specific Competition: On the Beach

When: Tuesday, October 5,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Rowland Community Center
400 Myrtle Avenue
Cheltenham, PA 19012

With this year's record heat, folks spent plenty of time at the beach and of course caught some great shots.

For this judged competition, the definition of beach encompasses tidal deposits (sand, rocks, shells) alongside a body of water (bay, ocean, great lake). Anything else may be present in the picture (people, buildings, boats, wildlife) as long as the beach is visible.

Please submit prints by 7:15 and digital projections the day before. Competition rules and procedures for digital submission are on the club website. Categories will be color prints, black and white prints, digital black and white projection, and digital color projection. Only paid members may enter.

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