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Fwd: [bostonatheists] Atheists Giving Aid: Victims of Boston Marathon Bombing

From: Maria G.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 2:20 PM
Hello, Concord Area Humanists. I apologize if you've gotten this already but wanted to make sure it was distributed as widely as possible. If you are looking for something tangible to do to respond to yesterday's bombings, here is an opportunity.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Zachary Bos <[address removed]>
Subject: [bostonatheists] Atheists Giving Aid: Victims of Boston Marathon Bombing
Date: April 16,[masked]:06:16 PM EDT
To: [address removed]
Reply-To: [address removed]

AtheistsGivingAidLogoWe all know by now what happened in Boston. Over 150 people were injured and 3 died. We want to help. We helped raise over $25,000 for the victims of the Sandy Hook Massacre, in Newtown, CT. We decided to do it again. "Atheists Giving Aid" exists to respond in tragedies like this and provide a resource for non-believers (and others) to give money that will make it to the victims and their families without passing through ANY religious affiliated organizations. You can safely give us your money and know that we attach no religious messages or dogmas to it. We just want to help.

Americans are resilient. We'll be ok. But, bills still have to be paid. This is where you come it. Give what you can. Share this page. Let people know they can give here. We are actively pursuing our 501(c)3 status so your donations ARE tax deductible. Help those affected by this while also showing that atheists care as much or more than any religious group out there. We don't give money to churches every week, so dig deep in your pockets for this cause and show Boston that atheists can give aid when needed too.

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