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Register Soon for the Esri Developer Summit

From: Amy N.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 1:43 PM


March 10-13, Palm Springs, CA

If you found the GeoDev Meetup valuable, consider what you’ll gain from a full week at the world’s largest geo-developers’ conference. Join Esri solution engineers and an estimated 2,000 geo developers from around the world at the 10th annual Esri Developer Summit (DevSummit).

DevSummit is the most technologically deep-diving, networking, most productive #GeoDev conference on the planet. More than 90 percent of attendees would recommend DevSummit to colleagues. And we have reason to believe the other 10 percent are selfish or didn’t complete the survey.


We’ll make picking from more than 300 technical sessions easy. Learn to build native apps for almost any OS with AppStudio for ArcGIS, and make apps that sell – without a line of code – with Web AppBuilder. Or develop your apps further using a wide variety of ArcGIS APIs. Plus, we’ll break down everything from Python and vector tiles to drones and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. View all tech sessions.


Form connections by speedgeeking and enlisting some of the world’s best developers to solve your business challenges. See how engineers, designers, and coders are driving tomorrow’s greatest applications.


Get ready to socialize starting the night before the conference, Monday, March 9. Stay through Friday and don’t miss Thursday’s evening party. The world famous annual dodgeball tournament is matched in fun this year only by DevSummit’s first ever dunk tank. Did Esri’s Jim McKinney not return your email? Soak him!

Show us what you’ve got!

Got 5 minutes? Show your stuff at DevSummit. The Lightning Talk session is filling up fast, but if you’ve ever wanted to present a session showing things you’ve built and learned, now’s the time to jump on board. Let us know at [address removed].


Register today. ( does not host DevSummit registration.)


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