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What do we do next?

From: Anpu42
Sent on: Monday, February 11, 2013, 1:06 PM
I am coming close to finishing the Sunday DnD game and now we need figure out what we do next. We are probably open to most Role Playing Games. Let us know what you would like to play. If you are interested in Running here is the format we would like you to use: Basic Role Playing Game Format What Game/Campaign is it?  What is the basic name of the Game. Example: NEST-13 What is the Setting?  What is the general setting, Fantasy, Modern, Cyberpunk?  This is a good place to give a short back-story or link to one. Example: Modern Horror set in the Modern World. The PC’s will either be Military [NEST-13], working for a Government Agency [UNIT-13] or freelance [Minion Hunter] What Gaming System?  What game system are you using, d20, GURPS or Home Brew. If it is a home brew please give a description.  This is also were you would include any house rules or links to them. Example: NEST-13 will be using the Shadowrun 4 mechanics with some house rules, mostly involving Character Generation and Gear. What is the Goal (if any)?  What are the Goals of the overall campaign, not just yours, but the players also? Example: The Basic Goals of NEST-13 currently is to seek out supernatural threats and deal with them. How are the Characters going to be made?  What methods are going to use: Let the Player make up his character without supervision all the way to hand out Pre-Generated Characters with their Backgrounds and Goals already figured out. Example: With NEST-13 I have basically two methods.  I have made up a number of Pre-Generated Characters available for play.  The second method I use is you tell me what you want to play and I will create it with your input. Mostly this it to make sure you have the appropriate skills and abilities.

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