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New Meetup: 4th Edition Dungeon and Dragons Game

From: Anpu42
Sent on: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 11:02 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation ·!

What: 4th Edition Dungeon and Dragons Game
When: Thursday, February 21,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Home of Anpu42
3883 Buchanan #50
Riverside, CA 92503

This is going to be a 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Game. The game will be focused on a small city in the Human Kingdom of Hevea in the center of the Wolfen Republic. There will be a mix City Adventures and Dungeon Crawls.
I do use the Palladium world as my Campaign World, but the setting I am placing you in will be Generic enough that there should be no real issues with Character designed for other campaign settings.

If you wish to read some Background Fluff you can download this Link:

Character Generation:
I would like to have you use the Pre-Generated Stat line [16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10] and the characters should be 1st level. If you already have a 2nd or 3rd Level Character that would be ok with me. I prefer Characters that “Plays Well With Others”, but other than that I have no restrictions on Alignment, though I would prefer no Chaotic Evils.
I can also make you a Pre-Generated Character, I just nee Class, Race, Name and some basic I formation about the Character.

Starting Equipment:
Every Character will start with an Adventures Kit, 3 Potions of Healing and a Potion of Regeneration.

Check it out!

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