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Franklin County Philosophers tonight, Tuesday, July 9, 7pm in Ottawa. Contact me for carpool. We leave the Olathe area about 6 or so. Cole Morgan[masked].

From: cole m.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 8:31 AM

Carpool with us from different parts, of the Metro area to meet with Caleob. You won't be sorry. He always puts on a great show about philosophy.  Its a short 30 minute trip from Olathe. Join Us! 

Welcome Franklin County Philosophers tonight, Tuesday, July 9, 7pm in Ottawa. Contact me for carpool.  We leave the Olathe area about 6 or so. Cole Morgan[masked]. 

I'm leaving the KC Downtown and Northtown area around 5pm and going to Eric's in Lenexa, 103rd and Phlumm. Call me and we can arrange a carpool.  


Have you ever been involved in a "brisk exchange of ideas" and been tempted to use a dirty rhetorical trick? Ever had one used against you?
Arguing against a straw-man, name-calling, or flitting from topic to topic without acknowledging when your discussion partner makes a point can be effective persuasive tools, but is using them worth it? 

What is the very least we owe to those we disagree with?
Let's talk about it. CIVILLY people. Geeesh.

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