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New Meetup: Ceilidh at Hammersmith Town Hall, 12 December 2008

From: John F.
Sent on: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 4:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Ceilidh / Scottish Country Dancing Club!

What: Ceilidh at Hammersmith Town Hall

When: 12 December[masked]:15

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Another night for laughing and skipping. This time at Hammersmith Town Hall.

The evening is run by the Ceilidh Club at Cecil Sharp House. Doors open at 7.15 and the dancing starts at 8.00.

I strongly recommend you book in advance here. On-line tickets can sell out and although Ed the organiser keeps 60 tickets back for sale on the door these also sold out last time. So PLEASE DO BOOK ON-LINE IN ADVANCE HERE or get in the queue by 7.15 to get a ticket.

You can find out more about the Ceilidh Club on the FAQ's page here.

For a map to the venue see here for a Google Map.
You can't miss Hammersmith Town Hall as you walk down Kind Street either from Ravenscourt Park or Hammersmith tube stations. The entrance for the Ceilidh is up the steps of the main buidling from the King Street entrance. Call me on[masked] if you get lost.

One last thing. You really don't need to know any of the dances. They are very quick to learn and you have a 'Caller' who tells you what to do. Plus some one will usually just grab you and give you a friendly push in the right direction if you forget where you are going next - which is common, part of the laugh and happens to everyone.

You don't need to bring along a partner to dance with. Everyone is there to dance and you just grab anyone who looks friendly and available - which is everyone...

Where to meet? The plan is to meet at The Salutation Pub across the road from 7.15 onwards. To find The Salutation click here. We will then meetup in the bar in The Hammersmith Town Hall at 8.00. If I remember to do it I'll bring along a MeetUp sign.

Come along and try it out - you won't regret it...

Cheers for now


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