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Last two days for Early Bird tickets for Drupalcamp London - register asap

From: Ben W.
Sent on: Thursday, January 8, 2015, 4:12 PM

Hi all,

hopefully you had a very pleasant Christmas break and fantastic New Year!

This is a short note to remind everyone that the Early Bird tickets are finishing on Friday for the next London Drupalcamp. We've sold out the previous two years so please do sign up now to get the best ticket price.

Final details are all coming together now so we'll have more details soon but needless to say its going to be as good if not better this year. So please do head along to learn, share, sprint and meet new people.

We've also got session submissions open too so if you've got a talk you'd be happy to present then please put your name and talk forwards as well.

All the best and I hope to see you there,



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