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Charity fund raising event this Friday

From: Nat
Sent on: Monday, June 21, 2010, 8:13 AM
Hello All,

I hope you are well. ?I was recently in Cairo, one thing that I found difficult to deal with was the poverty, homeless women, women and children begging in the streets...

Recently I met a Greek belly dancer who wanted us to work on fund raising event for women in Egypt, such a good coincidence that I was thinking of doing something to help.?

I am very pleased to let you know that we have an event coming up this Friday in support of a women's charity called Just Because. Please come and support this event, it is this Friday at St Marks, Myddleton Square, 7:30 pm. All money coming will be donated to Just Because, please see below for further details.

Look forward to see you there

Thanks and regards ?

An Evening of FUN, DANCE and Letting Go

St Marks, 7:30 pm, Friday 25th

Come and drum and dance raising money for "Just Because" Charity raising funds for women in Egypt. We will be accompanying on the drums Greek belly dancers Unaneyia and friends. There is no prior drumming experience required, we will provide the drums, please come bring your friends.?

All money raised will go towards the Just Because Charity, further details at

You can watch Unaneyia dancing here

All money raised from this event will be donated to Just Because Charity for women in Egypt.?
Suggested donation is ?10, ?8 conc.

Unaneyia's biography

Performing since 2003 Unaneyia has trained with Farida Fahmy, Mahmoud Reda, Farouk Mostafa, Mohamed and Nesrin Kazafy and Nesma in Cairo where she was based for almost two years trying to capture every little detail of the essence of this art form. Especially fond of the traditional dances of Egypt she is always sure to promote the necessity of their revival through her workshops and classes. She has performed solo or with her troupes ("Unaniin" and "The Mediterranean Hips") for a number of cultural events (the opening of the National Greek Festival, The Pan African Festival etc) and choreographed theatrical and musical performances of well renowned directors in Greece, performed at the Planet Egypt events and the Majma Festival of Glastonbury, in the UK..... In the past years she had the honor of collaborating with the great Natacha Atlas at her appearance in Greece as well as Greek artists like Tania Tsanaklidou, Eustathia, Stamatis Kraounakis and Makis Christodoulopoulos. Unaneyia is currently based in Athens, Greece, working as a teacher, choreographer and artistic director for theatrical shows and big cultural events, teaching classes and workshops, home and abroad but still spends her summers in Egypt trying not to miss on anything that goes on .... Unaneyia is a member of the International Dance Council (CID) performing at their annual Congresses in Greece for the past 3 years.

Fiora's biography

Fiora is a bellydance performer & teacher, artist, fitness
instructor and holistic therapist. Originally from Greece and currently
based in Cardiff, she has performed at various events across South Wales and she has also been invited to perform as a special guest in Athens, Greece. Fiora has been learning with prestigious teachers in UK and abroad for the last 7 years, and defines her personal
style as 'oriental fusion', blending the different styles she has been
studying and has grown up with. Her artistic motive is to 'dance the
music', to convey with her dancing body the complicated emotions evoked by the music in her heart and spirit.

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