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Calling Teenagers

From: Ani
Sent on: Monday, April 17, 2017, 3:28 PM

LA Folks! Please contact casting agent Brenda Melissa Ocampo directly: email is [address removed] and her phone # is[masked].

If you know teenagers interested, please forward this on: 
My Producers have decide on trying to interview a Muslim teenager, of course with the consent of his or her parents. I am putting the information below in case you might know of anyone interested.

CASTING NOTICE: Muslim teenager (M or F) between the ages of 13-18
Pay $200
Shoot Date FRIDAY April 21st 
Time: TBD (would take 2-3 hours max)
If in school, we must do after school hours

Location: Coffee shop or restaurant in central LA
** if selected and teenager lives outside of LA, it is possible to travel to them

Teenager would participate in a causal sit down interview about what it is like growing up in America as a Muslim. We are looking for teenagers who are either born here or come from a refugee family. Looking for teenagers who are charismatic, out going, articulate, not shy and can really speak their mind, thoughts and emotions.


Good luck!



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